Recovery Times After Weight Loss Body Contouring Procedures Skip to main content


Does Medicare Cover Weight Loss Programs?

Medicare does not pay for any weight loss program. This is a direct result of the fact that the insurance company does not want to pay for any extra medical costs that would be incurred as a result of using a weight loss program. It is true that certain weight loss programs, such as the maintenance of a healthy diet and exercising regularly, can help you lose some weight, but this is a very small amount. If you really need to obtain Medicare coverage for losing weight, you should consider calling on your local Medicare representative. Some areas of the country have extra Medicare coverage available through a supplement plan. If you do decide to use these additional weight loss programs, it is very important that you remember to disclose any medications you are taking and any other health issues you have. Many people automatically think that Medicare does not cover the option of using any of their prescriptions to help them lose weight. This is not the case. The supplemental ...

Recovery Times After Weight Loss Body Contouring Procedures

Body contouring after weight loss is a common procedure that can reshape the way that you look after losing a large amount of weight. A tummy tuck or liposuction can completely change the shape and the appearance of your stomach and thighs. But you should realize that this change will not occur overnight. You will have to follow a variety of diet and exercise guidelines in order to keep the weight off and to ensure that the body contouring procedure is effective.

Losing a significant amount of weight through bariatric surgery usually means that you will lose a lot of extra skin. But if the skin loses significant volume, it can become saggy and look ragged. Bariatric surgery can significantly reduce the amount of saggy skin after a significant amount of weight loss. But if major weight loss has left you with large amounts of hanging skin around your belly, thighs, upper arms, and other troublesome places, you may benefit from body contouring after weight loss.

Many patients choose liposuction over other methods because it does not require them to lose a significant amount of weight. The surgery involves using a tube to vacuum away pockets of fat. These pockets are filled with a liquid solution that softens the fat. Most people are able to lose approximately four pounds for every one square inch of extra weight they lose by having this procedure done. This method is most effective for patients who have a bit more serious skin issues, though it can also work for patients with relatively normal skin.

Bariatric surgical procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis. If you are having a significant amount of weight loss, you may experience some discomfort and bruising during and after the treatment, but these side effects subside with time. You will likely experience minimal swelling and bruising in the first two weeks following your treatment. You can resume normal activities within two to four weeks, including normal exercise programs, though make sure you consult your physician if you are still having any complications or if you experience a significant amount of pain or tenderness.

For some people, excess skin tends to hang down on the sides of their abdomen, creating what is called a banana shaped lower abdomen. These patients commonly suffer from lower back pain, but many patients report their quality of life improves immediately after the procedure. This is because the lift makes their abdomen flat and reduces the visibility of the hanging skin. Once the excess skin is removed, patients can enjoy the smooth look of their lower abdomen.

Liposuction patients may also undergo what is called an alloplastic liposuction procedure. This procedure is particularly useful for patients who have excessive amounts of subcutaneous fat to lose. This is because excess fat and skin tend to move around the body, creating areas where it is not needed. If the patient undergoes liposuction, it is possible to remove unwanted fat without disturbing areas that were already set into place by the patient's body composition before the procedure.

When it comes to body contouring procedures, recovery can take anywhere from several days to a week. This depends largely on the severity of the procedure and whether you opted for a general or localized lift. General body lifts involve more skin removal and bruising while local lifts involve much less skin removal and bruising. Both procedures are often done under local anesthesia, but patients can expect some discomfort and pain during recovery time. Some doctors allow patients to be able to go home during the first day or so, while others do not. After a week or so, most patients can return to work and can perform normal daily activities.

Overall, most patients find that they are back to their normal activity level within a few days of the procedure. Many choose to wear loose clothing during this period in order to reduce any discomfort. The recovery time for a liposuction is also shorter than that of a facelift. Dr. Preminger stresses the importance of follow up post-op appointments and recommends doing so with patients as soon as possible. Patients who have chosen to use body lift surgery to restore their figures after they have been severely overweight often find that they feel much more confident about their appearance in six months after the procedure than those who choose other alternatives such as diet and exercise.


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